Precautions before and during the journey
Bed bugs are not found in all tourist areas. In fact, few travellers are affected during their trip. However, the risk is real and it is important to plan accordingly to prevent being among the ever growing number of Canadians who are victims of bed bug infestations at home. Here are some tips to lower the risks:
- Bring clothing that can be washed in hot water for your trip.
- Use luggage that is made of a solid coating rather than canvas or cloth to reduce the space where the bugs could penetrate.
- Avoid placing your bags on the floor upon arrival to your destination; rather, place them on a shelf or desk.
- Do not put your personal belongings in closets or in drawers. Instead, keep them in your luggage and wrap your luggage in a plastic wrap. Keep your luggage closed.
- Inspect the room and all the crevices of the mattress and box spring for live bed bugs or signs of their presence (blood stains and excrement spots). Request a different room if you find bed bugs.
- Protect the bed be moving it away from the wall, tuck the sheets in and keep blankets from touching the ground.
- Use plastic bags to protect items bought abroad or to quarantine an object that has been exposed to a risk of infestation.
- Before leaving the hotel, check all your belongings, including shoes.
Precautions when returning home
- Upon arrival, unpack your suitcases outside the home (for example, in the garage) and inspect your belongings.
- Put all washable clothing in the washer immediately and wash at the hottest water temperature possible. Then dry the clothing at a high temperature for 40 minutes.
- Dispose of the plastic bags in the trash. If necessary, spay the empty suitcases with pyrethrin-based insecticide (pyrethroid).
- Other objects that are placed in the freezer should remain there for at least 72 hours to kill any insect that may be present.